“Congratulations to the organisers on another successful event, and it was fantastic to see society patron, HRH Prince Edward, Duke of Edinburgh, attending the one-day event.
“There was an outstanding number of trade stands, showcasing all the latest equipment and technology for dairy farming enterprises. The event is an annual fixture and a pre-Christmas social occasion for dairy farmers and their families.
“The cream of the country’s pedigree dairy cattle were on parade, competing for a share of prizes. It was encouraging to see cattle exhibitors of all ages taking part, with a number of competitors making the long trip from as far afield as counties Tipperary and Wexford.”
The DUP Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs spokesperson said: "Milk prices remain stable and there is a strong demand for dairy cattle at local marts. While the dairy industry is upbeat about farm-gate prices, the government’s proposed changes to inheritance tax are a constant worry for generations of farmers.
“More than three weeks on from the UFU’s protest rally and Sir Keir Starmer shows no signs of finding reverse gear or compromising on the farm tax grab. Farmers are in this for the long haul, and I’m behind them every step of the way, attending the protests in Westminster, voting against and continuing to voice to my opposition the Chancellor’s plans in the House of Commons.”
Ms Lockhart engaged with RUAS members, farmers and industry representatives at the event. “Farmers have mixed emotions, they are devastated, angry and feeling betrayed, but most of all they are anxious and extremely worried at the prospect of having to carve up their farms and sell assets to honour tax liabilities.
“Many farm businesses in Northern Ireland have been passed down through the generations, but the budget will dismantle family farm businesses and decimate livelihoods.”
Chancellor Rachel Reeves stated that only 27% of UK farms will be affected by the looming tax agenda, but industry leaders were quick to react, outlining that the treasury’s figures are grossly flawed and miscalculated.
Carla Lockhart MP added: "Earlier this week the Department of Agriculture revealed an in-depth analysis outlining the impact that inheritance tax will have in Northern Ireland. Alarmingly, the figures show that around half of all farms, accounting for 80% of farmland, could be impacted.
“DAERA’s calculations take into account the value of farmland, residential property, farm buildings, machinery and livestock. As a result, average land value estimations increased from £15,000 per acre to £21,000 per acre, taking the number of farms potentially impacted from a third to around half.
“I welcome DAERA’s clarity on the issue. The figures confirm a worrying outlook, and call the treasury’s calculations further into question. Somebody within the government has severely underestimated the damage that the budget will cause to the agri-food industry. I am pleased that the Minister and politicians from across Northern Ireland are united in the fight to stop the farm tax heist.”
The Winter Fair also provided Ms Lockhart with an opportunity to discuss other pressing agri-food issues with members of the farming community. “Farmers have been left disappointed by DAERA’s long-awaited TB eradication proposals. Tension is mounting as the EU veterinary medicine debacle has yet to be resolved, and there are huge concerns around the threat of Bluetongue and BVD on animal health and welfare.
“The nonsensical freeze on planning permission also rumbles on, inhibiting farmers from expanding or simply modernising their enterprises to improve farm safety, animal welfare and mitigate environmental impact.”

1. Carla Lockhart MP, Jane White, Helen and Ben Shanks, and Kirsten Davis.
Carla Lockhart MP, Jane White, Helen and Ben Shanks, and Kirsten Davis. Photo: freelance

2. RUAS members Christine Adams and Ann Henning with Carla Lockhart MP.
RUAS members Christine Adams and Ann Henning with Carla Lockhart MP. Photo: freelance

3. Paul Vernon, Leprino Foods; Carla Lockhart MP; Alan Cleland, Downpatrick.
Paul Vernon, Leprino Foods; Carla Lockhart MP; Alan Cleland, Downpatrick. Photo: freelance

4. Holsten NI’s John Martin MBE with Carla Lockhart MP at the RUAS Winter Fair.
Holsten NI’s John Martin MBE with Carla Lockhart MP at the RUAS Winter Fair. Photo: freelance