A large number of North Country Cheviots once again filled the sheep aisles at Limavady Show, where classes were extremely strong and very close.
Judge for the day was James Murnion of Castle View flock. He chose as his champion a two shear tup from the flock of Mark Warnock, who went on to lift the interbreed title.
The Allanshaws Xanthas sired ram, definitely proved it’s worth in winning the interbreed but also sireing the first prize ewe lamb.
Reserve champion on the day went to Alex Colhoun with his Synton Vagabond bred ewe.
Alex also lifted the shearling ewe class with the McNeil Lads of Kilvaddy Flock winning the ram Lamb class.
Ram one shear and over - 1st place Mark Warnock,
Aged ewe - first Alex Colhoun
Shearling ewe - first Alex Colhoun
Ram lamb - first Kilvaddy
Ewe lamb - first Mark Warnock
Interest continues to grow in North Country Cheviots, with people noticing they will compete with any breed at the shows, and proving their hardiness, versatility and ability to cross with any breed to produce a female with milk and comformation to suit the commercial industry.
North Country Cheviot sale – 6th Sept 6pm at Beatties Livestock Centre