Store bullocks selling to £1569.80 at Lisahally Mart

Superb trade at Lisahally with store bullocks selling to £1569.80/940kg.

Store bulls selling to £1228.50/630kg and store heifers selling to £1430/500kg.

Fat cows selling to £1536.60/780kg, fat bulls selling to £1170/600kg and cows and calves selling to £1090.

Store bullocks

S Britton £1569.80/940kg, E Christie £1390/580kg, J Feeny £1270/580kg, W Bush £1050/540kg, K Wilson £1040/500kg, £950/480kg, £910/450kg, £890/450kg, £840/470kg, £810/480kg, £720/440kg, £720/420kg, £720/430kg, £700/350kg, £700/420kg, £650/420kg, W Curry £970/500kg, £960/500kg, £960/480kg, £950/500kg, £930/460kg, £910/490kg, £910/460kg, £870/440kg, £820/430kg, M McShane £960/470kg, J Dodds £900/450kg, £900/410kg, £840/410kg, £750/540kg, I Wylie £570/350kg and J Leitch £500/220kg, £480/240kg, £480/240kg.

Store bulls

S Smith £1228.50/630kg.

Store heifers

E Christie £1430/500kg, £1360/610kg, £920/530kg, O Kerrigan £1330/540kg, £1280/520kg, £1160/460kg, M McShane £1140/500kg, £880/470kg, W Curry £1110/480kg, £1040/530kg, £880/460kg, R Deery £1070/460kg, T Conway £1000/490kg, R Deery £990/430kg, £970/390kg, £900/390kg, R Waugh £910/450kg, £890/450kg, £810/440kg, £800/430kg, £750/390kg, J McGuiness £740/360kg, £730/380kg and S Moore £390/170kg.

Fat cows

A McLaughlin £1536.60/780kg, B Gormley £1475.50/650kg, £986.70/690kg, K Walsh £1270.50/770kg, £1001.0/710kg, J McMillan £1162.70/770kg, Beaverlodge Farms £986.60/660kg, £691.20/480kg, £643.90/470kg, J Feeny £897.80/670kg, M Whiteside £858/660kg, J McGuiness £816/680kg and A Houston £413/590kg, £372/620kg.

Fat bulls

S Moore £1170/600kg, £1108.80/660kg.

Cows and calves

J Leitch £1090.