UFU urges farmers to advertise jobs online now

The Ulster Farmers’ Union (UFU) says farmers who require additional labour should register with Employers Online www.employersonlineni.com and have their vacancies posted to JobCentre Online (JCOL) on the same day.

The JCOL service is free and reaches a wide audience, advertising current job vacancies throughout Northern Ireland

JCOL provides major recruitment opportunities and those seeking work in agriculture or horticulture will find related roles on the platform under ‘agri-food’. Providing an extra insight for workers, DAERA have posted information on their website regarding seasonal work on farms and horticulture units. 

“To help farmers fill their positions as quickly as possible, DAERA have produced a guidance outlining what seasonal work will involve, how to keep safe while working, information for those who are furloughed and steers job seekers to the JCOL website.  We’re hoping that JCOL’s quick and easy approach to posting and applying for jobs combined with DAERA’s guidance, will ensure that farmers can secure the workers they need promising a successful harvest,” said Mr Brown.

Employers and job seekers can register with JCOL at www.employersonlineni.com and if you require extra assistance call 02890 909327. DAERA’s guidance for seasonal workers can be found at https://www.daera-ni.gov.uk/articles/seasonal-work-farms-and-horticulture-units-guidance-workers.