Store bullocks sell to £1,120 at Lisnaskea Mart

There was a very good entry of cattle on offer at Lisnaskea sales on Tuesday, October 16th with a very strong demand reported for all classes of stock.

Store bullocks sold to £1,120 for a 450kg Charolais (£249 per 100kg).

Weanling steers and bulls sold to £880 for a 400kg Charolais (£220) and £650 for a 200kg Charolais (£325).

Store heifers sold to £1,185 for a 600kg Charolais (£197.50) and £1,020 for a 490kg Charolais (£208).

Weanling heifers sold to £890 for a 350kg Aberdeen Angus (£254) and 250kg Charolais to £650 (£260).

Lots more stock required to supply a growing demand from leading buyers province wide.

Leading prices as follows:


Lisnaskea producer 450kg Charolais to £1,120 (£249) and 500kg Simmental to £920. Lisnaskea producer 580kg Blonde d'Aquitaine to £1,105 (£190), 550kg Blonde d'Aquitaine to £1,045, 600kg Simmental to £1,010 and 550kg Belgian Blue to £890. Kinawley producer 480kg Charolais to £1,070 (£223) 480kg Limousin to £1,000, 470kg Limousin to £925, 410kg Limousin to £920 and 410kg Charolais to £840. Maguiresbridge producer 530kg Hereford to £960. Omagh producer 430kg Simmental to £950.


Maguiresbridge producer 600kg Charolais to £1,185 (£197.50), 570kg Charolais to £1,050, 490kg Charolais to £1020, 530kg Charolais to £890, and 480kg Charolais to £880. Omagh producer 520kg Charolais to £1,025 and 490kg Aberdeen Angus to £990. Lisnaskea producer 520kg Blonde d'Aquitaine to £855.


Lisnaskea producer 400kg Charolais to £880 (£220) and 320kg Limousin to £855 (£267), Lisnaskea producer 330kg Limousin to £850 (£257) and 420kg Limousin to £800. Newtownbutler producer 360kg Limousin to £770, 380kg Charolais to £765 and 280kg Simmental to £500. Newtownbutler producer 340kg Limousin to £750, 330kg, Hereford to £675, 300kg Limousin to £675 and 260kg Limousin to £665. Newtownbutler producer 320kg Charolais to £740, 280kg Charolais to £715 and 300kg Limousin to £610. Derrylin producer 400kg Simmental to £700 and 230kg Charolais to £630. Rosslea producer 290kg Limousin to £690, 310kg Limousin to £590, 220kg Limousin to £590 and 200kg Limousin to £470. Kinawley producer 270kg Charolais to £685, 200kg Limousin to £530, 210kg Limousin to £500, 200kg Limousin to £480 and 180kg Limousin to £420. Derrylin producer 300kg Aberdeen Angus to £680 and 290kg Aberdeen Angus to £580. Lisnaskea producer 250kg Charolais to £670, 240kg Charolais to £670, 210kg Charolais to £645, 210kg Simmental to £505, 190kg Limousin to £480, and 180kg Charolais to £425. Lisnaskea producer 200kg Charolais to £650 (£325) and 210kg Charolais to £450. Boa island producer 350kg Shorthorn to £620 and 220kg Charolais to £475.


Newtownbutler producer 370kg Aberdeen Angus to £890 (£240), 350kg Aberdeen Angus to £890 (£254) and 350kg Aberdeen Angus to £760. Magheraveely producer 400kg Charolais to £845 and 300kg Limousin to £650. Newtownbutler producer 270kg Hereford to £690 (£255) and 290kg Limousin to £570. Lisnaskea producer 250kg Charolais to £650, 220kg Charolais to £550, 230kg Charolais to £460 and 180kg Charolais to £455. Derrylin producer 300kg Aberdeen Angus to £570. Derrylin producer 250kg Aberdeen Angus to £500 and 210kg Aberdeen Angus to £435.