First '˜Rush solution without pollution' trial

Ulster Farmers' Union, deputy president, David Brown has welcomed the findings from the Water Catchment Partnerships two-year trial in Seagahan - '˜rush solution without pollution' weed-wiping trial.

The trial, which began in May 2017, was part of an innovative campaign to help reduce the levels of MCPA in the catchment area of County Armagh. 

By running this trial farmers have gained the experience and knowledge of effective rush management by means of a certified contractor using a weed-wiper, whilst protecting the water environment from grassland herbicides. 

Mr Brown says: ‘The results from the trial in Seagahan have been excellent, showing admirable success rates in the County Armagh area.

“It was found that there has been an estimation of up to 90 percent rush kill by NI Waters Farm liaison Officer Dominic McCann and water sampling of the reservoir throughout 2017 and 2018 has shown a marked decrease in MCPA found in raw water.”

The UFU would like to thank NI Water, The Water Catchment Partnership and the farmers who participated in the trial in Seagahan for their support throughout, as without their cooperation, the trial would not have been so successful.