UFU president makes final Brussels trip

​Ulster Farmers’ Union president David Brown travelled to Brussels for the last time within the capacity of his presidential role.
UFU deputy president William Irvine, UFU president David Brown and UFU parliamentary officer Alexander Kinnear.UFU deputy president William Irvine, UFU president David Brown and UFU parliamentary officer Alexander Kinnear.
UFU deputy president William Irvine, UFU president David Brown and UFU parliamentary officer Alexander Kinnear.

​Alongside UFU deputy president William Irvine and UFU parliamentary officer Alexander Kinnear, Mr Brown attended a meeting with the president of the Netherlands Agriculture and Horticulture Association.

The UFU representatives also attended the Copa Cogeca Praesidia. Debates took place involving MPs from the different groupings in the European Parliament, they presented their vision of European agriculture. Following this, UFU were present at an event where the Prime Minister of Belgium spoke about his views on agriculture.