Translink bus strike suspended tomorrow after last ditch talks

As a gesture of goodwill, industrial action has been suspended until workers have voted on the new offer, the GMB Union has said.

The Translink bus strike, due to start tomorrow (Tuesday 17 May 2022) has been suspended after last ditch talks.

Drivers, cleaners and shunters across Northern Ireland had been due to walk out for seven days in mass strike that would ‘bring Northern Ireland to a standstill’.

But bosses today [16 May] made a revised pay deal – as a result industrial action has been suspended while GMB and Unite members vote on the offer.

The Union will now prepare a ballot of members.

Peter Macklin, GMB Regional Organiser, said:“After last ditch talks, Translink workers now have a revised pay offer.

“As a gesture of goodwill, industrial action has been suspended until workers have voted on the new offer.

“If they accept it, the strikes would be cancelled completely.

“But if they turn it down, GMB will meet with members immediately to discuss new strike dates.”