Cheque presentation to MS Society
Chairman of the TECU Trevor Beattie handed over the cheque at the Club’s monthly meeting at the Dunsilly Hotel Antrim, to Harry and Jean Gardiner, representing the MS Society, who expressed thanks to the club for their generosity.
As Trevor explained: “The funds were raised via a series of events, including a vintage tractor run in June and the Ballymena Steam Rally during July. The MS Society volunteers were most generous with their time in assisting to make these events a great success and the Club is only too delighted to
support them in this worthy cause.
“The Traction Engine Club would like to express huge thanks to members for their fund raising efforts and the wider community for their generous support throughout the year.”
Furthermore the club, in conjunction with Ballymena BID, has organised an inaugural Santa lit-up Cavalcade through Ballymena Town Centre on 16th December at 5pm.
The club would be delighted to see a good turnout at this event - a Christmas spectacle for children and families while simultaneously supporting the Traction Engine Club of Ulster a registered charity. A sit in Christmas Dinner will be provided for participants on return.
The road runners will assemble at Ballymena Livestock Market, Woodside Road, with registration from 4.00pm (tea and coffee available). The run departs at 5.00pm sharp for the Santa tour of the Town Centre, returning to market venue at approximately 6.30pm.
There is a donation of at least £20 per vehicle, which includes a Christmas Dinner ticket. Additional participants requiring dinner to pay £10 (adults) and
£5 (children).
Free Santa hats will also be provided for decorated vehicles on the night.