Dairy stock hits £1810 at Markethill

Dairy stock sold to a top of £1810 at Markethill on Tuesday, April 3, which was paid for a calved heifer from a Loughgall farmer. The same owner received £1750 for another calved heifer. A Dungannon farmer received £1600 for a calved heifer.

Cull cows: A total of 190 cull cows sold in the best trade so far this year. Beef bred cows sold steadily from £140 to £180 per 100 kilos with a top of £188 per 100 kilos for 650k Lim at £1225 from a Newtownhamilton farmer. A Richhil farmer sold 680k Lim cow at £1255. Fleshed Friesian cows sold from £120 to £144 for 696k at £1005 and up to £1065 for 812k £131 per 100 kilos. Several Friesian cows sold from £1000 to £1060 each. Second quality Friesians sold from £95 to £110 and the poorest types from £75 to £85 per 100 kilos.

Cull cows: Newtownhamilton farmer 650k £1225 £188.00; Richhill farmer 680k £1255 £185.00; Richhill farmer 630k £1155 £183.00; Belleeks farmer 618k £1125 £182.00; Belleeks farmer 602k £1095 £182.00; Richhill farmer 664k £1185 £178.00; Collone farmer 538k £955 £178.00; Gilford farmer 744k £1315 £177.00; Belleeks farmer 660k £1145 £173.00; Belleeks farmer 776k £1335 £172.00.

Friesian cull cows: Markethill farmer 696k £1005 £144.00; Waringstown farmer 632k £895 £142.00; Dungannon farmer 640k £905 £141.00; Caledon farmer 786k £1045 £133.00; Markethill farmer 792k £1050 £133.00; Newry farmer 702k £925k £132.00; Killylea farmer 812k £1065 £131.00; Kilkeel farmer 632k £825 £131.00; Keady farmer 696k £895 £129.00.

CALVES: A total of 220 lots in the calf ring sold in an excellent trade, with good quality bull calves selling from £220 to £345 for a three week blue followed by £340 for a three week AA. Good quality heifer calves sold to £370 for a four week old Char followed by £300 for a six week old Lim. Main demand from £180 to £280 each. Reared bull calves sold to £720 and reared heifers to £610 each.