Elite gimmers for Texel Young Breeders sale

Lpt15000578 (d.o.b 22/3/15) is a naturally reared single out of Poseyhill Viking Warrior and out of all1300818 who is by Brackenridge Transformer. This gimmer is a very correct, stylish, well balanced sheep. She is also from the same family as Milestonehill O'Gara (15,000). All enquiries and visitors welcomed.Lpt15000578 (d.o.b 22/3/15) is a naturally reared single out of Poseyhill Viking Warrior and out of all1300818 who is by Brackenridge Transformer. This gimmer is a very correct, stylish, well balanced sheep. She is also from the same family as Milestonehill O'Gara (15,000). All enquiries and visitors welcomed.
Lpt15000578 (d.o.b 22/3/15) is a naturally reared single out of Poseyhill Viking Warrior and out of all1300818 who is by Brackenridge Transformer. This gimmer is a very correct, stylish, well balanced sheep. She is also from the same family as Milestonehill O'Gara (15,000). All enquiries and visitors welcomed.
Texel Young Breeders tag sale of gimmers will begin on Saturday, July 30, and running until midnight on Saturday, August 13.

These six elite gimmers have been selected through the five tag sale qualifying shows and have done well to qualify for this new sale.

There will be further promotions and information on these six elite gimmers on the Texel Young Breeders Facebook page.

If you are interested in purchasing any of these top gimmers call any of the following numbers: Andy Hamill 07851 776 972; Peter Lamb 07732 178 669; James Herdman 07514 816 741 or Nathan Armstrong +44 7840 296 064.

Alternatively you can contact Richard Beattie livestock sales 07984 694 616 or 07730 133 021.