The choristers, led by Musical Director Barkley Thompson performed a range of Carols, Christmas songs and individual pieces in front of a packed audience of over four hundred people.
This special festive evening proved to be a great success and was interspersed with fun and laughter including a visit from Santa Claus and one of his elves and an innovative rendition of the 12 days of Christmas. There was also plenty of opportunities for audience participation.
Everyone was treated a delicious supper after the performance and this also provided an opportunity for people to catch up with neighbours and friends they hadn’t seen for a while.
Dawn Stewart, Chairperson said: “We had a fantastic evening filled with music and fun. It was great for the choir to come together again and sing within the local community and it provided a valuable opportunity for rural communities to meet up at this special time of year.”
Barkley Thompson, Musical Director added: “We had a really enjoyable fun filled evening and it was good to see so many turn out to see us perform. The audience were great at joining in. The evening brought people together and lifted their spirits, something we all need in these uncertain times.”
The Farmers’ Choir Northern Ireland would like to thank everyone who supported them during the year and are especially grateful to their sponsors for their generous support. They will be taking a break in the New Year but will begin practices again at the end of January 2024.
If you would like more information about the choir please get in touch.
Email: [email protected]

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A packed hall at Ballymena Academy for the Farmers' Choir Christmas Concert. Photo: freelance

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Harold Speedy and Musical Director Barkley Thompson entertain the crowd with "Merry Christmas Everybody." Photo: freelance

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Barkley Thompson Musical Director, Robin Swann President, Cllr Gerardine Mulvenna Mayor of Mid and East Antrim Council, Dawn Stewart Chair of the Farmers' Choir. Photo: freelance

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Santa got his grove on at the Farmers' Choir Christmas Concert. Photo: freelance