Junior, exhibitor-bred and supreme overall Aberdeen Angus champion was Woodvale Miss Annie Z151 from the Armour family, Dromore, Co Down. Picture: MacGregor PhotographyJunior, exhibitor-bred and supreme overall Aberdeen Angus champion was Woodvale Miss Annie Z151 from the Armour family, Dromore, Co Down. Picture: MacGregor Photography
Junior, exhibitor-bred and supreme overall Aberdeen Angus champion was Woodvale Miss Annie Z151 from the Armour family, Dromore, Co Down. Picture: MacGregor Photography

Four-in-a-row for Woodvale Angus herd at Balmoral Show

The Armour family continued their winning streak at Balmoral Park, claiming the supreme Aberdeen Angus championship and the reserve junior interbreed honours at the Royal Ulster Agricultural Society’s 155th show.

Alwyn, wife Carol, and their sons, Lee, Craig and Adam, run a 15-cow pedigree herd on the family farm at Dromara, County Down. Founded in 1995, the herd has been unbeaten at four successive Balmoral Shows with home-bred prize winners Woodvale Miss Annie U436 (2021); and Woodvale Delia X867 (2022 and 2023).

The 2024 junior, exhibitor-bred and supreme overall champion was Woodvale Miss Annie Z151, a granddaughter of the herd’s 2021 Balmoral Aberdeen Angus and overall interbreed champion Woodvale Miss Annie U436. This sixteen-month-old heifer was sired by the home-bred bull Woodvale Powerplay X893, and is out of Woodvale Miss Annie W856. She was overall champion at the NI Aberdeen Angus Club’s annual calf show last November.

Judging the Aberdeen Angus entry at this year’s Balmoral Show was Scotsman David Johnstone, who has been farm manager at the multi-faceted Ballindalloch Estate in Banffshire for 16 years.

“It has been a fantastic show with some exceptional classes. The supreme champion epitomises everything I am looking for in an Aberdeen Angus breeding female,” explained the judge. “She led a strong class of 12 heifers and is a very deserving winner.

“This heifer has fantastic ring presence and oozes character and style from head to tail. She has a lovely head, a tremendous level top and is really good on her legs. I have no doubt she will mature into a lovely cow with great show potential.”

Claiming the reserve female and reserve supreme championship was the four-year-old cow Old Glenort Kim W501 bred by Bill and James Porter, who were making a return to the Balmoral showring after a seven-year hiatus.

This young cow was a second prize winner at the NI Aberdeen Angus Club’s Summer Championship, held at Clogher in 2022. Sired by the 2017 Balmoral breed champion Carlhurlie Epic P021, she is bred from the prize winning Old Glenort Kim K761.

The reserve champion was shown with her March-born Old Glenort Victorious Y514 bull calf at foot. She is one of 60 pedigree Aberdeen Angus cows and 50 Beef Shorthorn cows at the Porter family’s Gillhall Estate at Dromore, County Down.

Judge David Johnstone added: "The reserve champion is a sweet young cow with a good calf at foot. Another fine example of the breed, she has a lovely head, a great top and good legs.”

Bill and James Porter also secured the award for the best of opposite sex to the champion with Old Glenort Victorious Y514. Born in February 2022 he is by Carlhurlie Gentilex S124 and bred from Old Glenort Victoria N511 – a daughter of the 15,000gns herd sire The Moss Quebec K027. His great granddam Shadepond Victoria V1 was one of the herd’s foundation cows, and was Balmoral champion in 2000.

James Porter said: "This home-bred bull has been retained within the herd. He was used last year, and one of his first calves was shown alongside our reserve overall champion. His sire, Gentilex S124 was bought as a calf along with his dam at the Carlhurlie dispersal sale.”

Also making a return to the Balmoral showring were Jonathan and Lisa Doyle from Cookstown. The Doyle’s 60-cow Drumhill prefix which is managed by stockman Callum Innes, secured the reserve junior championship and the reserve best of opposite sex to the champion award.

The reserve junior honours went to Drumhill Queen Z183, a fourteen-month-old heifer bred from Nightingale Queen Lois U946; while the reserve best of opposite sex award went to the March 2023 born bull Drumhill Exchange Rate Z194, out of the home-bred Drumhill Evora V643.

Both prize winners were sired by the herd’s 15,000gns stock bull Galcantray Jedi Eric V287 – purchased at Stirling in 2021 he has sold sons to 16,000gns. Drumhill Exchange Rate Z194 was reserve champion as last year’s calf show in Dungannon.

Breed society president Ian Watson from Scotland said: "It has been a tremendous show. I am pleased to see some super youngstock coming through, especially top-quality females. I’ve no doubt the breed is in safe hands in Northern Ireland.”

These words were echoed by Aberdeen Angus Cattle Society president Robert Gilchrist. “This year’s show has been well supported and I’m delighted to see an increased entry. Congratulations to all of the exhibitors on a fantastic turnout of cattle.”

Balmoral Show’s interbreed championship classes were judged by Stewart Stronach from the noted Islavale Simmental Herd. He awarded second place in the native interbreed pairs championship to the Aberdeen Angus duo, Woodvale Miss Annie Z151 and Old Glenort Victorious Y514. These two animals were later joined by the Doyle family’s heifer Drumhill Queen Z183 to secure the reserve interbreed award for the best group of three native cattle.

In the interbreed beef performances classes, judged by Welshman Meurig James, first prize in the native breed junior bull class, and the reserve native championship, went to Adrian and Graeme Parke’s Coolermoney Lord Hublo Z344 by Netherallan Peter Pershore E052. Third place went to first-time exhibitor Andrew Fletcher BVMS MRCVS for Rathmoss Prima by Blelack Lord Blackthorn S825; and fourth prize went to John and Ann Henning’s Solitude Elite V777 son, Drumcorn Carte Blanche Z085.

Second prize in the beef performance junior heifer class went to John and Ann Henning’s Drumcorn Ella Z096 by Solitude Elite V777. Securing third prize was Adrian and Graeme Parke’s Coolermoney Frances Z307 by HW Evander S051.

Results from the showring:


Aberdeen Angus Perpetual Challenge Cup for the champion: Alwyn and Carol Armour’ and Sons’ Woodvale Miss Annie Z151. Reserve: Bill and James Porter’s Old Glenort Kim W501.

M&S Award for the junior champion: Alwyn and Carol Armour and Sons’ Woodvale Miss Annie Z151. Reserve: Jonathan and Lisa Doyle’s Drumhill Queen Z183.

WJ Carson Memorial Perpetual Challenge Cup for the exhibitor-bred champion: Alwyn and Carol Armour and Sons.

JD Templeton Memorial Perpetual Challenge Trophy for the best yearling bull: Jonathan and Lisa Doyle’s Drumhill Exchange Rate Z194.

Drumlister Tropy for the best of opposite sex to the champion: Bill and James Porter’s Old Glenort Victorious Y514 Reserve: Jonathan and Lisa Doyle’s Drumhill Exchange Rate Z194.

John Thompson and Sons Crystal Awards for the best pair of heifers, owned by exhibitor: Bill and James Porter. Reserve: Macroberts Bros.


Cow, born on or before 31/12/20, in-calf or having produced a calf in the last 12 months – 1, Bill and James Porter, Old Glenort Kim W501 by Carlhurlie Epic P021; 2, Adrian and Graeme Parke, HW Madame Pride V714 by HF EL Tigre 28U; 3, Jonathan and Lisa Doyle, Drumhill Ellen Erica T453 by Hallington Jack Eric N398; 4, John and Ann Henning, Drumcorn Lady Ida U536 by Blelack Prince J165.

Cow or heifer, in-milk or in-calf, born in 2021 – 1, Bill and James Porter, Old Glenort Evon X197 by Blelack Dakota U898; 2, William and Jane Dodd, Glenbrae Red Mouse X234 by Mosshall Red Forrest V018; 3, John and Ann Henning, Drumcorn Elusive X831 by Blelack Prince J165.

Heifer, born between 1/1/22 and 31/12/22 – 1, James McCullough and Alex Belch, Rodmead Pribaby Y085 by Rodmead Lord Halcyon U051; 2, John and Ann Henning, Drumcorn Lady Ida Y993 by Solitude Elite V777 ET.

Heifer, born on or after 1/1/23 – 1, Alwyn and Carol Armour and Sons, Woodvale Miss Annie Z151 by Woodvale Powerplay X893; 2, Jonathan and Lisa Doyle, Drumhill Queen Z183 by Galcantray Jedi Eric V287; 3, Bill and James Porter, Old Glenort Poppy Z306 by Carlhurlie Gentilex S124; 4, James McCullough and Alex Belch, Rodmead Evening Tinge Z169 by Blelack Dual Mine U913.

Bull, born prior to 1/1/23 – 1, Bill and James Porter, Old Glenort Victorious Y514 by Carlhurlie Gentilex S124; 2, Jonathan and Lisa Doyle, Drumhill Lord Hatfield R532 by Nightingale Proud Jake G405; 3, Bill and James Porter, Blelack Dakota U989 by Netherallan Peter Pershore E052; 4, John and Ann Henning, Solitude Elite V777 by Netherallan Peter Pershore E052.

Bull, born on or after 1/1/23 – 1, Jonathan and Lisa Doyle, Drumhill Exchange Rate Z194 by Galcantray Jedi Eric V287; 2, Andrew Fletcher BVMS MRCVS, Rathmoss Priam Z012 by Blelack Lord Blackthorn S825; 3, Adrian and Graeme Parke, Coolermoney Lord Hublo Z344 by Netherallan Peter Pershore E052; 4, William and Jane Dodd, Glenbrae Red Mario Z177 by Mosshall Red Forrest V018.

Pair of animals, property of exhibitor – 1, Bill and James Porter, Old Glenort Kim W501 and Old Glenort Victorious Y514; 2, Jonathan and Lisa Doyle, Drumhill Queen Z183 and Drumhill Exchange Rate Z194; 3, Bill and James Porter, Old Glenort Ermiss Z004 and Old Glenort Poppy Z306; 4, MacRoberts Bros, Magherally Bella Z804 and Magherally Judith Z793.

Judging the Aberdeen Angus entry at this year’s Balmoral Show was Scotsman David Johnstone, who has been farm manager at the multi-faceted Ballindalloch Estate in Banffshire for 16 years.

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