Heifers sell to £1,350 at Lisnaskea Mart
Cows and calves: Derrylin producer £1,350 for heifer and bull calf. Derrylin producer £1,300 for heifer and bull calf, £900 and £890 for two springing heifers due September.
Weanling steers and bulls: Corranny producer £895 for 370kg Aberdeen Angus, £850 for 340kg Charolais. £770 for 350kg Charolais £765 for 310kg Limousin. £700 for 290kg Aberdeen Angus and £600 for 300kg Limousin. Lisnaskea producer 350kg Charolais to £840 and 380kg Charolais to £820. Newtownbutler producer 290kg Aberdeen Angus to £760. Derrylin producer 290kg Limousin to £700 290kg Limousin to £650 250kg Aberdeen Angus to £650. 250kg Limousin to £640 and 270kg Aberdeen Angus to £630.
Weanling heifers: Derrylin producer 400kg Charolais to £750, 330kg Hereford to £600 and 300kg Limousin to £580. Derrylin producer 220kg Aberdeen Angus to £490.