Tractor run in memory of tragic 17 year olds

Two young Co Armagh men who tragically lost their lives in a car accident earlier this year will be remembered at a memorial tractor run next Saturday (26th November) organised by members of Mountnorris Young Farmers' club.

Mark Hutcheson and Andrew Gass, both 17 and students at Southern Regional College in Armagh, had been members of the club since around the age of 13.

They died in January when the car they were travelling in left the Cladymilltown Road between Markethill and Newtownhamilton while the were on their way to college.

Mark and Andrew, who both studied welding and fabrication, had a big interest in farming.

Andrew Porter, of Mountnorris YFC, said organisers are expecting a big turnout for Saturday’s event and all proceeds will be donated to charities chosen by the Hutcheson and Gass families.

Registration will be at 11.30am at Mountnorris Presbyterian Church Hall, kindly granted and the cost of £10 per tractor will include a barbecue afterwards at the church hall.

Andrew added: “The route will be around 16 miles long and will take in places which were of significance to Andrew and Mark. It will go past Brian Simms’ where they both worked, and their family homes in Tullyallen, as well as Tullyallen Presbyterian Church where they are buried and Markethill High School where they were pupils.

“The route will also take in Poyntzpass and Tyrones Ditches before ending up back at the church hall in Mountnorris. It should take around an hour.”

Andrew said both teenagers are sadly missed by club members, adding: “It’s hard going into young farmers’ knowing that the two of them are not there.”

Everyone is welcome to come along and take part in the tractor run in memory of two young friends. For more information you can contact club leader George Porter on 07907589766.