A busy start to the winter programme for Ahoghill

Despite the current pandemic, Ahoghill YFC have been as busy as ever. Although, they have had to change how they hold their meetings, the club and committee have found a way to still meet online, have fun and develop knowledge and skills, under the guidance of the Young Farmers’ Clubs of Ulster Headquarters.
Rachel Rea and Kathryn Speers presenting ‘Friends of the Cancer Centre’ with a cheque of £2305.Rachel Rea and Kathryn Speers presenting ‘Friends of the Cancer Centre’ with a cheque of £2305.
Rachel Rea and Kathryn Speers presenting ‘Friends of the Cancer Centre’ with a cheque of £2305.

Ahoghill YFC’s first club meeting of the winter programme was held on zoom on Tuesday, 15th September. The night involved a tough quiz and some intense games of bingo. It was great to welcome new and past members back to Ahoghill Young Farmers.

The YFCU has had to adapt in order to allow clubs to still compete in competitions. The public speaking heats went ahead this year and were held on zoom. The topics ranged from….’Our life in lockdown’, ‘If I could be anyone for a week’ and ‘What YFCU will look like in 90 years’ time’. The club held public speaking practices to prepare members for the competition. Ahoghill YFC’s club secretary, Kathryn Speers came 3rd in the 21-25 age category in the public speaking finals.

At the start of October, Andrew from the Grassroots Challenge talked online to members about different environmental issues and how they can make a positive difference. The club are excited to complete their bronze eco award later in the winter programme.

Michelle Petticrew receiving her trophy for Club Treasurer of the Year.Michelle Petticrew receiving her trophy for Club Treasurer of the Year.
Michelle Petticrew receiving her trophy for Club Treasurer of the Year.

Later in the month, Ahoghilll YFC had an important farm safety talk from Lynne Montgomery, City of Derry YFC, and a talk from Club Secretary, Kathryn Speers, on her international young farmers’ exchange to Canada last summer.

As an alternative for the Annual County Dinner and Prize Giving, an outdoor prize giving was held on Sunday, 25th October at Ballymena Rugby Car Park. Clubs were presented with their awards by YFCU President, Zita McNaugher. Club Leader, Rachel Rea was awarded Club Leader of the Year and Club Treasurer, Michelle Petticrew was awarded Club Treasurer of the Year.

The club look forward to holding their first in-house meeting as soon as they are able to. All guidance from the government and Education Authority will be adhered to.

It is not too late to join Ahoghill YFC. Message the club on Facebook if you would like to know more about this great organisation.

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