Agriculture committee meets House of Lords

The chair of the Assembly’s AERA committee Declan McAleer, pictured, has said that AERA committee has had a very constructive meeting this with the House of Lords EU Environment Sub Committee this week across a range of issues including Brexit, the Agriculture Bill and the Environment Bill.

Mr McAleer said: “Our online meeting on Thursday was an opportunity to highlight many of the fears of the agrifood and environment sectors as we face into huge challenges brought about by Brexit, whilst we are still coping with the consequences of the COVID pandemic.

“EU exit has extricated us from the Common Agriculture Policy with the result that provisions for the north are included in the British Agriculture Bill which reaches Committee Stage in the House of Lords on 7th July.

“I strongly articulated the view of the committee that these provisions should include a ‘sunset clause’ for the north, similar to Wales which is set at 2024. A similar sunset clause would also give the north sufficient time to consult and agree on our own Agriculture Act, tailor made for her and reflecting the fact that food processing is an all island business and that we operate within EU SPS regulations in accordance with the protocol.

“We also highlighted strong disappointment that the British government rejected amendments to the Agriculture Bill that would have guarded against the importation of food produced to a lower environmental and animal welfare standard than we have. We highlighted that this would completely undermine farm businesses both here and in Britain who have an international reputation for producing high quality, nutritious and fully traceable food.

“The same issues were also raised in respect of the need for a dedicated and tailored Environment Bill for the north and the fear that UK divergence from the EU could result in regression from environmental protections.

“The AERA committee recommends that at a minimum, a specific non-regression clause for the north be included in the British Environment Bill to guard against and weakening of environmental protections. This point was made to the Lords committee on Thursday,” added Mr McAleer.

“The final main topic we discussed was preparations for the protocol. We expressed alarm that the deadline of 31st December was fast approaching and our trade processes and entry points are not ready. This is compounded by the fact that we still do not know the shape of the final deal between the EU and UK ie. No deal or a comprehensive Free Trade Agreement.

“We stressed the hugely negative impact that was having on businesses here with so many unanswered questions around the need for checks, customs controls, exit declarations, the cost, coping with two VAT regimes and many more concerns.

“Our engagement was a very robust and constructive exchange of views. The Lords committee was very well informed and understanding of the issues we face. Many of the members are from rural communities themselves and have strong sense of what is at stake.

“As a committee, we will continue to articulate the needs and challenges facing our agrifood and environment sector and will reach out to everyone who might be of assistance to us in fulfilling this,” he concluded.