‘All sectors must do their fair share’

Green Party MLA Claire Bailey has said the Climate Change Bill provides a framework for a low carbon future for everyone across Northern ireland
Claire BaileyClaire Bailey
Claire Bailey

Clare Bailey MLA is lead sponsor of the Climate Change Bill that has been drafted by legal, scientific and academic experts from the Climate Coalition NI, a growing group of civic bodies and individuals. The Climate Bill also has the support of the Green Party SF, SDLP, UUP. Alliance, PBP and Independent MLA’s

Clare Bailey MLA said: “No-one disputes that human activity is the cause of climate and bio-diversity breakdown, that is now a widely understood scientific fact. Action is needed to protect ourselves, our environment and to build a sustainable future for our children and grandchildren.

“We know we have reached the tipping point, we are at the point of no return when it comes to our climate.

“Air pollution is damaging people’s health, our water ways are failing basic quality standards and ammonia levels are directly attributable to hundreds of premature deaths every year.

“Climate breakdown and species decline are the defining issues of our time. The impact on rural communities and farming families is clear and farmers, as custodians of the land, know only too well the effects of climate breakdown and the decline of our native species on their way of life.

“We know that changing the way we do farming is not only better for the environment but better for farmers too, resulting in an industry that is more resilient and has greater security and profitability for farmers.

“Farmers are experts, they have innovated and used advanced techniques to adapt to changing climatic conditions and reduce emissions and carbon output.

“However, government must not leave the farming industry or rural communities to go it alone and without support for adaptation.

“There exists a chance to create an economy to support and develop a sustainable sector and the time is now for government to work with farmers and rural communities to identify opportunities and ensure that they not only survive but that they thrive.

“The Climate Bill provides a framework towards a low carbon future for everyone across Northern Ireland.

“It requires all sectors to do their fair share to create a pathway towards a sustainable future and ensure that future generations continue to farm the land that is so precious to all of us,” she added.