Ashley ewe lamb takes virtual show title

With the cancellation of most of the shows for the foreseeable future the HDSBA Shows and Judges Committee decided it would be a great idea to join in the Online Sheep Show on Facebook.
The ewe  lamb from the Ashley flockThe ewe  lamb from the Ashley flock
The ewe lamb from the Ashley flock

By joining in a national virtual event, it was hoped it would take the breed to a wider audience and it certainly did that when the Champion Hampshire won the Reserve Interbreed title.

The Hampshire Down Champion was a ewe lamb from Allen and Vicky McFadden from Northern Ireland who beat off well over 100 entries from England, Scotland, Wales, Netherlands and as far as South Africa.

The Interbreed judge, Amy Pedrick, a Charollais and Beltex breeder said of the ewe lamb: “The Hampshire caught my eye as the lamb was very alert and looks bright, which is what I would expect to see in a show sheep.

“As well as this it has good confirmation, skin and stands well on all four legs. It was honestly a tough choice between this ewe lamb and the Blue Texel.”

Breed judge for the ‘virtual’ show was Jon Barnard from the Stourfield Flock who had a really tough job comparing the photos and picking out prize winners. It was great to see so many people getting involved, and the prize winners came from as far a field as South Africa.

The Ashley Flock also was award first place with their Aged Ewe and second place with a Ram Lamb in their breed section.

Allen and Vicky, who have been breeding Hampshire Downs for 15 years, entered the online show for fun, due to the current Covid situation, with all agricultural shows being cancelled. It was great promotion for the Hampshire Down breed.

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