Easy Breathe calf bolus reduces respiratory issues

The new Easy Breathe calf bolus from Matrix Animal Health is proving to be a big hit on farms across the county that had been struggling to keep on top of respiratory issues in their calf rearing units.

The bolus contains a combination of ingredients that have potent antimicrobial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory activity making them very useful for combating lung infections in young calves.

Calf pneumonia or Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD) is a complex, multi-factorial disease which results in inflammation and damage to both the lungs and respiratory tract. It is the most common reason for poor performance and death of calves in the UK and Ireland before they reach nine weeks of age.  Respiratory health can impact a calf for its entire life leading to reduced growth rates, slower finishing times and reduced milk yields.     

A study from the University of Copenhagen found that one of the main components which make up the bolus stops two separate forms of bacteria from working, both which are known to cause pneumonia infections.  It was discovered that the compound prohibited molecules inside the bacteria from functioning. 

They also found that it can break down the bacteria’s biofilm – a shield that protects them from antibodies and the animals own natural immune system.  It also supports the immunity of the calf, reduces stress and helps maintain a healthy respiratory system.   

Talking with a farmer who operates a specialist calf rearing unit: “We were first introduced to this new concept by a neighbour who had successfully used the Easy Breathe calf bolus to keep on top of several pneumonia outbreaks in his young and thought we would give them a go.

“If we see a calf with a cough, runny nose or laboured breathing, it gets two boluses and everything else in the pen gets one bolus in-case the problem is spreading, we won’t take any chances with pneumonia.  The Easy Breathe calf bolus has definitely been a big help to our calf rearing enterprise.” 

Tim from Matrix Animal Health commented: “This has been a very challenging year for rearing calves with many pneumonia issues being reported.  Easy Breathe is a great addition to our very popular calf rearing range of Calf Clear, Calf Dry, Calf Boost and Cattle Thrive.  

“The principle of the Easy Breathe calf bolus has been tried and trusted in farms across Germany, France and the Netherlands for some time and now that same advanced technology bolus has been made available to farmers here, we are delighted to see our customers are reporting the same positive results.” 

For more information, or to order with free delivery, call your local Matrix Animal Health Agent or Tim Montgomery on 07803618754 or shop online www.matrixanimalhealth.com

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