Healthy Udder Bolus making big impact on volume of milk sold

The Healthy Udder Bolus from Matrix Animal Health has revolutionised how Somerset farmer Henry Letts utilises the real time data from his conductivity reports.
Henry Letts, SomersetHenry Letts, Somerset
Henry Letts, Somerset

Henry runs a herd of 200 cows with plans to expand to 250 over the next couple of months.

The cows are milked through 4 x Lely A5 robots. Cows are housed all year round and 4/5 cuts of quality silage are made, with cows yielding just over 11000 litres.  

We chatted to Henry to see how he was getting on with the new concept of the Healthy Udder Boluses.  

“Since making the switch to the Healthy Udder Boluses, I have been more than impressed with what I have seen. 

“We use the conductivity data and alerts which we receive from the Lely robots to pick-up the cows that should be bolused. The system is so simple, based on pre-set parameters, if a cow is highlighted to us, she gets the Healthy Udder Bolus.  There is no milk withhold so now all the milk we produce can be sold with no lost revenue. It really is a great product.”

While the advanced ‘Matrix Technology’ behind the Healthy Udder Bolus is relatively new to the UK and Irish market, the product has been used extensively through France, Germany and Holland for well over a decade with great success.

Tim Montgomery from Matrix Animal Health added: “With the inevitable changes to the availability of antibiotics at farm level, we are finding more and more farmers here in Northern Ireland are keen to find out how our range of products can help offer support on their farms.

“Our portfolio includes a range of innovative market leading products, such as Easy Breathe, Calf Dry and CryptoClear calf boluses to Healthy Udder, CowCal and Uterus Cleanse etc. The feedback from our customers has been extremely positive. Farmers understand their responsibility to reduce their reliance on antibiotics and the Matrix range of products helps them with this goal.”

For more information, please contact your local Matrix Animal Health Agent or shop online at