Valerie and Damien resting upValerie and Damien resting up
Valerie and Damien resting up

In pictures: Six Counties NI Dexter Group Halter Training Day

The sunshine last weekend was very much welcome as new and existing breeders and Dexter enthusiasts met at Ballyloughan Farm, Belfast Road, Comber to take part in the Six Counties NI Dexter Group Halter Training Day.

The event commenced with Chairperson and host Willeen Montgomery of Ballyloughan Dexters extending warm greetings to all attendees and expressing gratitude to the committee members for their dedication and effort.

James Eccles of Ten-Acre Dexters and a seasoned Dexter judge proceeded with a demonstration on the meticulous trimming and preparation required for showcasing Dexters in the ring assisted by Jeff and Susan McCullough of Ballydavey Dexters.

Following this, Sylvia Henry also of Ballyloughan Dexters, offered a brief tutorial on effectively guiding Dexters during ring walks.

Attendees were then encouraged to participate actively, prompting an enthusiastic response from both young and older participants. Many youths eagerly took up the opportunity to practice walking Dexters, showcasing remarkable progress by the session’s end. The hope remains that this newfound enthusiasm will translate into future appearances in the show ring.

The event took a humorous turn with Damien Tumelty’s demonstration on behaviours to avoid in the ring, eliciting laughter from the spectators.

The end of the session concluded with refreshments, where the committee had thoughtfully arranged a delightful assortment of snacks, sandwiches and cakes which didn’t sit for too long.

The session concluded with presentation of rosettes to the young who took part during the afternoon and prizes give out for a Young Handlers Favourite Dexter writing competition. As the event concluded, attendees unanimously agreed that it had been both entertaining and successful, leaving with memories of a day well spent.