Reduce your fertiliser costs with foliar fertilisers

With fertiliser prices looking like they are going to remain high, farmers need to look at all their options.

One option that farmers might not be aware of, is the role foliar and placement fertilisers can play in reducing cost.

Farm efficiency is key to reducing costs on farm and with fertiliser prices so high, every unit of fertiliser needs to be accounted for. Using our Foliar Nitrogen Efficie-N28-t, is one of the most efficient ways of applying nitrogen, with almost 100 percent uptake and no volatilisation or leaching, almost every unit of fertiliser applied can be utilised.

Efficie-N28-t is a liquid foliar nitrogen fertiliser based on urea polymers of variable lengths. The more complex the chains, the slower they break down, resulting in a phased release of nitrogen over a total of four - six weeks.

The polymer chains break down to release nitrogen as amide (NH2) groups which are the building blocks of proteins. This process is much more energy efficient than converting nitrate (NO3) into protein. It also avoids the “flush” growth of nitrate-based fertilisers which can weaken cell walls making the crop prone to diseases and lodging.

Efficie-N28-t can be tank mixed with most fungicides, meaning there is less travel over fields. Replace 40 kg N/ha in cereals with 7kg N/ha from Efficie-N28-t for the same or better yield and quality performance as granular fertiliser.

Benefits of Efficie-N28-t

• No scorch

• Almost 100 percent uptake

• Tank mix with plant protection products

• Accurate application

• No volatilisation or leaching

Visit our website ( to find more fertiliser options that can help reduce your fertiliser costs.

Biome Connect is an Armagh based company providing sustainable, innovative products and solutions to the agricultural and horticultural sectors.

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