Store bullocks selling to £1680 at Lisahally Mart

Outstanding trade at Lisahally with store bullocks selling to £1680/760kg.

Store heifers selling to £1180/620kg and fat cows selling to £1104/800kg.

Store bullocks

R Rutledge £1680/760kg, £1560/720kg, £1560/700kg, £1520/670kg, £1480/720kg, £1460/650kg, £1460/660kg, £1400/660kg, S Thompson £1152.40/860kg, H Nutt £1140/590kg, J McClelland £1090/430kg, £1060/430kg, £1010/400kg, £990/410kg, £940/370kg, J Sayers £1040/520kg, £880/370kg, £880/480kg, £800/490kg, £770/430kg, £750/400kg, £730/410kg, £710/410kg, G Eakin £990/400kg, E Lagan £950/550kg, T Mullan £930/460kg, £880/490kg, £870/320kg, £830/310kg and R Waugh £860/470kg, £760/400kg, £700/420kg, £700/410kg.

Store heifers

M Rutledge £1180/620kg, £1100/570kg, £1070/550kg, £1050/550kg, £1050/580kg, £1030/570kg, £1020/560kg, £1000/540kg, £980/540kg, £960/520kg, £930/510kg, E Christie £1110/500kg, £1100/580kg, £1000/540kg, T Fyffe £1080/500kg, £910/550kg, £890/540kg, J McClelland £960/460kg, £880/410kg, £800/490kg, M Callan £940/500kg, A McLaughlin £780/410kg, G Eakin £760/320kg, £660/280kg, T Mullan £700/300kg, £650/360kg and S Cairns £430/190kg.

Fat cows

A McLaughlin £1104/800kg, £793.60/640kg, S Thompson £1033.20/820kg, £1033.20/820kg, N McCombe £1029.20/620kg, £976/610kg, M McShane £965.60/710kg, D Cowan £939.60/540kg, £916.80/480kg, R Robinson £657.20/620kg and D Devine £465.60/480kg.