COVID-19 vaccinations are making good progress

This month the GP based vaccination programme is focusing on people who are aged 70 and over as well as people who are clinically extremely vulnerable. It is intended that everyone in these groups will be contacted by their GP or Specialist in February.
The Department of Health also recently announced a twin track approach to accelerate vaccinations, enabling all those aged 65-69 to use the online booking system at to make an appointment for vaccination at one of seven regional vaccination centres. All those who fall within this age group, including those who are clinically extremely vulnerable, can choose to book online by selecting the 65-69 option. As with those aged 70 years and over, it is intended to complete the vaccination of this group in February
For people who cannot book their vaccination appointment online a telephone booking system is available by phoning 0300 200 7183.The service is available from Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5.30pm.

Please be assured the COVID-19 vaccine is completely free. You will never be asked to provide any type of payment or reveal your bank account or card details.
While you wait for your vaccine, and even after you have received it, you should continue to follow the public health advice to limit the spread of coronavirus. Keep your distance, stay at home and work from home if you can. Wear a face covering when appropriate and wash your hands well and often.
Find out more about the COVID-19 vaccine at: