41st Ulster Poultry show returns to Ballymena
Jed Dwight from the Isle of Wight has been confirmed as Championship judge and will be supported by Louise Carpenter, Ian Simpson, Peter Thomas, Simon James, Andy Marmet, Craig Gardiner, Derek Moon, Roy Davidson, Harry Pannell and Jimmy Hughes.
For the first time ever judging tests can now be taken at a show in Ireland. The tests are organised by the Poultry Club of Great Britain.
Chairman and Poultry council member Neal Adams commented: “Show tests could only be taken at The National, the Federation show in England and the Scottish national until this year. This is a real honour for the show to be hosting Poultry Club of Great Britain judging tests.”
The show will be hosting breed regional shows and special awards for Booted Bantam, Belgian, Buff Orpington, Dutch, German Langshan, Leghorn, Minorca, Orpington, Pekin, Plymouth Rock, Poland, Rhode Island Red, Rosecomb, Sebright, Serama, Sebright, Sussex, Welsummer and the N.Ireland Game Fowl Club.
Chairman Neal Adams added: “We had an entry of over 1200 exhibits last year and with space being limited please get your entries in early to avoid disappointment. We were very pleased to welcome exhibitors from England, Scotland and the South of Ireland to the show last year. There will be over 400 classes for turkeys, geese, ducks, poultry, eggs and a poultry photography section. With over 40 cups and prizes for section winners it will be the highlight of the show season in Ireland.”
Thanks to sponsors, Haldane Fisher, Ballymena, Brinsea Incubators and Kilpatricks Poultry feeds, Moneymore. Schedules will be available shortly. To request a copy please contact [email protected] or find them on facebook. Entries close on January 14th 2019.