Opening sale of 2020 starts on a positive note at Omagh Mart

Omagh MartOmagh Mart
Omagh Mart
The opening sale of 2020 started on a positive note for reduced numbers.


A Hall, Donemana 680k £1400, William Young, Castlederg 520k £1085, M McDermott, Dunmoyle 520k £1060; 580k £1140; 565k £1095, M Gordon, Urney 540k £1075, R McAleer, Dromore 415k £850; 495k £980, O McCallan, Drumnakilly 415k £840; 370k £740, V McFarland, Ballygawley 470k £950, M Emery, Castlederg 350k £765 and W Crawford, Newtownstewart 370k £740.


William Craig, Fyfin 625k £1300, D W Johnston, Lack 595k £1180; 470k £930, M Morris, Greencastle 595k £1180; 630k £1240; 660k £1270, N Curley, Claudy 515k £1020, M Cassidy, Lettercarn 460k £960; 420k £860; 455k £925, E Coyle, Castlederg 425k £880; 405k £840; 500k £995, J Young, Carncorn 475k £980; 360k £740, W Crawford, Newtownstewart 435k £895, Patrick Owens, Fintona 425k £870; 440k £885, C Gibson, Eglington 500k £1010 and P Doherty, Articlave 350k £800; 355k £800.

Fat cows

M Moore, Envagh 640k £181, E McAroe, Drumquin 540k £179; 530k £176, G Bradley, Mountfield 570k £174, M Walker, Corlea 730k £150; 600k £146, D Maguire, Urney 810k £149, S Mulligan, Omagh 590k £143 and B McCarney, Seskinore 570k £142.

Friesian cows

Hillside Farms, Dromore 540k £136, A Blaney, Omagh 520k £136, D Adams, Melmount 460k £130, D Alexander, Omagh 800k £119, W McCreery, Fyfin 660k £119, M Hamilton, Donemana 850k £117, R J Graham, Ederney 590k £113; 650k £106, J Maguire, Trillick 740k £110, T Atcheson, Fyfin 780k £109, D Longwell, Omagh 690k £108, W C Irwin, Castlederg 530k £106; 720k £103 and A Rumley, Strabane 760k £103.

Dropped calves

P McCaffrey, Clogher £530 Charolais heifer, J Sproule, Castlederg £460 Aberdeen Angus bull, T Donohoe, Derrylin £425 Belgian Blue bull; £375 Belgian Blue heifer, B McBride, Trillick £420 Belgian Blue bull; £330 Belgian Blue heifer, N Hutchinson, Trillick £405 Charolais bull, H Owens, Brackey £375 Aberdeen Angus bull, W H Cummings, Castlederg £340 and £310 Belgian Blue bulls, J Elliot, Castlederg £330 Belgian Blue bull; £310 Belgian Blue heifer, Peter O’Kane, Drumragh £325 Aberdeen Angus heifer; £315 Aberdeen Angus bull and D Longwell, Omagh £320 Aberdeen Angus bull.


T Johnston, Killadeas £750 Limousin heifer, McCanney Farms, Drumquin £680 Limousin heifer; £660 Limousin bull, M. McMenamin, Drumquin £660; £650 and £620 Charolais bulls, Ed Teague, Dromore £540 Limousin bull, J Sproule, Castlederg £555 Aberdeen Angus heifer and G Devenney, Lack £545 and £540 Limousin heifers.