Spring meeting at Muckamore WI
Some ladies made paper pots and potted seed. Iris Maughan proposed the Vote of Thanks to Claire for her interesting talk.
The competition was ‘Arrangement in an Egg Cup’. This was judged by Claire and the winner was Heather Kerr; 2nd Jean McCollam and 3rd Pauline Bingham. Birthday girl for April was Collette Meenan.
The ladies of Muckamore are meeting to take part in a walk to help support Associated Country women of the world. ACWW connects rural and non-rural women and their communities worldwide through a network of Member Societies and Individual Members. This is through advocacy, partnership, sharing knowledge and local activities. This includes UN representation, access to better information resources, funding community development projects and training programmes. ACWW is committed to raising the health and standard of living of rural women and their families.
Liz congratulated Ruth Wilson who had won two awards at the WI AGM. The Dromore scroll for new guild member with highest amount of A plus standard and the Seapark Salver best entry by a newly enrolled member. The members enjoyed looking at her handmade crafts which were on display.
The evening finished with the Countrywomen’s song.