Swann and UFU meet over challenges in beef sector

Robin Swann said: “Northern Ireland’s beef industry is no stranger to challenges or difficult times, but this has been an especially grim period for many months now.
“Whilst there has been some improvement in recent weeks, with the latest R3 steer price now at its highest level since June and above the equivalent R3 steer price in GB, there is no guarantee at all that prices won’t once again fall back and that this could only be a seasonal blip.
“The modest increases of late however are still nowhere near enough to offset the much larger drop in beef prices across the last year. That fall in prices has also been happening while input costs such as feed and fuel continued to rise steadily.
“There is only so long before already small profit margins are flipped and even the most efficient farms find it impossible to make a living.
“This week I met with representatives from the UFU and their message was clear – there needs to be direct Government intervention. One suggestion is the establishment of a UK-wide livestock deficiency payment scheme. It’s something I would personally support. The Government has shown itself willing to step in for the benefit of other sectors in recent years, so I believe it has long passed the point of the Government needing to take meaningful steps to support our beef farmers.”